

Founded by Vrinda Chhatrapati and Vaishnavi Kurupath, sophomores at American High School, the Aspiring Medical Youth of the Bay Area is a student-led for-knowledge independent medical club.

Medicine is a highly competitive and intense field that can be intimidating to go into, especially during high school.

Our mission is to provide passionate high schoolers with the resources, direction, and connections to be able to pursue their career in healthcare.

Our learning methods reflect this and allow for students to be able to grow through discourse.

Our learning methods.


Student-led Lectures

We kick each unit off with a structured student-led introduction to the specialty. This fosters peer learning and develops a foundation for when club members interact with doctors at the meet and greet.

Guest Speakers

Our meet and greets with specialized practicing physicians are a blend between a structured interview and a q&a. Our guests are usually open to club members contacting them for guidance!

Moderated Debates

Developing a stance on issues that plague the medical field today is critical. Our debates are centered around medical ethics and aim to foster an open-minded exchange of ideas.